Our Vision: To be a light that shines beyond our walls.


Bible Discovery Zone (BDZ)

Bible Discovery Zone is our Sunday School/Children's Church program.  Following the Children's Message at about halfway through our Sunday Worship Service, children are dismissed from the Sanctuary to attend Bible Discovery Zone.  The age range for this program is 4 years old through 6th grade.  We are modeling the Rotation Sunday School method.  The children are broken up into different age groups and travel with this group throughout the year.  They study the same Bible passage all month long, but attend a different class each week.  All of the classes are designed using a different format, while teaching the same lesson.  The children could learn using an art project, a cooking project, games, science, Bible treasure hunt, a video, etc.  Really the flow is flexible.  They memorize one Bible verse per month relating to the passage they are studying.  The children and the teachers have a great time using this method and studying the Bible together.

For more information about this ministry please contact the church office at 207-647-2027 or stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings.