Our Vision: To be a light that shines beyond our walls.



Why give?

Nothing is connected to our hearts quite like our money. How we use and treat money can lead to fear, greed, or overwhelming debt. But, we know that generosity and Biblical wisdom can lead to true financial freedom!

We give because God has given to us. We bless others because we have been blessed. We trust God in this because we know that He owns everything, and that He is abundant and generous toward us.

If God is who He says He is, then Christians should be the most generous people on the planet because of the God we know, and because of the message we carry!

Online Giving

In addition or in instead of giving of your offering during the Sunday morning Worship Service, you may also give on-line securely though our partnership with Tithely. Simply click the "Give" button below to make a one time offering by debit card. You may also set up automatic recurring payments so you won't forget while on vacation or when life gets really hectic.

We would prefer that you not give via Credit Card. Please use your Debit Card...Debit is money you have, Credit may be money you do not and we wouldn't want you under any circustamces giving from what you don't have.